

21 comentarios:

Licantropunk dijo...

Esta es una escena de suspense: puro Hitchcock!!


R.Dress dijo...

Haha!!! Love the lighting=)

ArtSparker dijo...

Masterful use of black and white. Also reminds me of a woody allen story in which an alien from outer space steals a chicken leg from a man who has just abstracted it from his refrigerator in the middle of the night , he refers to it as "a chicken leg to which I felt entitled".

M J Muir dijo...

I wish I knew what she is saying and what his response is. In the meantime I am laughing again. Thanks for the chuckles.

Indigene dijo...

Wonderful use of contrast! You have directing capabilities as well! :)

Tomás Serrano dijo...

Licantropunk: Más hitchcockiana sería con un vaso de leche, je, je.

Robert, Indigene: thanks

Susan: The story you tell is absolutely hilarious. My favorite are the stoped clock comments.

Mary Jane: I think she´s a very bad cook...

Cheryl dijo...

Cool! Love the contrast.

justdoodleit dijo...

Hilarious one Tomas! Reminds me of a childhood 1980's TV AD for torch batteries and electric lamps from this part of the world.

Crowley dijo...

Me recuerda a mi cuando mi mujer me puso a régimen jejeje

Jess dijo...

Perfect, brilliant!

get zapped dijo...

Bravo! Very clever :)

Mary Hall dijo...

ha ha...caught in the act...
Great lighting.

Jason Curtis dijo...

Busted! This poor guy doesn't ever get a break does he?

Great piece Tomas. The lighting is fantastic.

michael robertson dijo...

great lighting-you are a wonderful storyteller.

Jackson Dryden dijo...

Thanks for your comment on my blog! You have some fantastic work here. Very fun stuff.

illustration poetry dijo...

hehe.. yes, meeeh too :D :D :D

Gavin Goo dijo...

Love it, Tomas! The contrast is beautiful! And its hilarious!!! Love the body language here too.

The Crow dijo...

Wonderful story in black and white.

What was he after? Suspense, mystery, psychological drama and humor - I think you'd make a good film maker, too.

andres casciani dijo...

Hola Tomás! que gusto conocer tus trabajos, me encantan tus personajes y el manejo de los escenarios, muy cálido y fresco todo. Saludos!!

krisztina maros dijo...

both of these are so funny and well done! i love the playing of shadows!

and what about Paris? :)

Vanessa Brantley Newton dijo...

HE HE HE HE HE HE AHAH HAHA HA HAH A HAH AHAH AH AAHH HAHAAAHA HAHA!! This is me!!! He he he he! Really it is. Hilarious You are such a master at this.