
Salfon Enjoys Lynne Chapman´s "Stinky!"

Stinky! is a wonderful children´s book brilliantly illustrated by Lynne chapman, a stablished british artist. She have many books published. Even in korean!!!
She has sent me a signed copy and I must say it´s great. Her pastel drawings are full of details, bright colors and awesome technique.
I don´t need learn korean to understand the book: the Lynne images tell the story perfectly!
Don´t you miss her blog. Lynne is now explaining the creation process of her new book. And much more: live sketches, urban drawings...
Thank you, Lynne.
Recomiendo a todos la web de Lynne Chapman y especialmente su blog, en el que cuenta el proceso creativo de su última obra.

5 comentarios:

Lynne the Pencil dijo...

You are so welcome Tomas - thank you for my fabulous copy of Salfon. I LOVE the picture you've done at the top!!

get zapped dijo...

This totally makes me smile :) REAL BIG! Thanks for sharing this delightful book.

Art Fan Ako dijo...

I love it!!!

Abz dijo...

Very cool! Monkeys reading books! Now thats what i'd love to see! ;)

Abz dijo...

Yes, clearly thats a man reading the book-- I dont know what I was thinking. Must have been tired! lol
