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26 comentarios:

michael robertson dijo...

HA! this is hilarious! I love the way the vampire is standing with his arms still outstretched in the last panel.what an amazing sense of humor!

Sarall dijo...

Qué carácter de mujer! Supongo que pese a sus dominantes encantos no será Eve, la popular femme fatale.

Vanessa Brantley Newton dijo...

HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hee he he hee hee hee heee heeeheee!! I have tear running down my face from laughing so hard at this. This is why I love you! Only I could have a brother like you hee hee hee hee!! Your humor is fabulous! YOU ROCK DUDE!!!

Ramón Monedero dijo...

Muy bueno!

ArtSparker dijo...

Nice one, very effective use of color - of course -
Must be tasty sanwiches.

Loni Edwards dijo...

Excellent Tomas! I just loved this!

Jean Jacques Rousseau Pérez dijo...

Qu´il est émouvant le pauvre vampire! Sa belle cape transformée en nappe !
La vulgarité de cette couple est hideuse, elle ne respecte même les légendes les plus terrifiantes.

Jason Curtis dijo...

You sir, are a funny man. I love your sense of humour...and once again, your work had me laughing out loud.

What I love about your comics are the unexpected twists you include at the end. Great stuff Tomas, very original and fresh.

Oh, and your drawing style is so much fun.

Roger Simó dijo...

Tomás, suscribo palabra por palabra lo dicho por Jason. Consigues que me ria en todos tus chistes, y eso es muy difícil. Y el estilo de dibujo encaja perfectamente con lo que explicas.
Muy bueno el detalle del color de la capa!

Viera dijo...

Decididamente soy fan de la mujer de tus historias... y mucho más tuyo, evidentemente

krisztina maros dijo...

morirse de la risa! pobre vampiro...

Unknown dijo...

I like these past two a lot!

Peter Breese dijo...

You've done it again my friend. Magnificent!

get zapped dijo...

Your sense of humor is terrific and your drawing skills are just as great! thx.

Duncan dijo...

Fantastic yet again, great drawing a use of colour - hilarious. What was on those butties?

adrienne trafford dijo...

everything you do makes me smile and laugh - it's so clever and funny but also beautifully drawn!

Catilustre dijo...

You are the best!
tan ingenioso! siempre me pillan de sorpresa, tus chistes!

nella gatica dijo...

cómo me he reído!!! GENIAL!

C.B. Canga dijo...

nice work on this blog. keep it up

justdoodleit dijo...

Hahaha! That is some picnic and now Dracula has lost his cape too :D

nella gatica dijo...

Gracias por tu comenatrio!!! estoy esperando con ansias tu interpretación del topic de Illustration Friday!!!!

Hajnalka Cserháti, Ojni dijo...

C'est le best!!!!

Francisco Martins dijo...

HA HA HA! really funny! You rock dude!


jazzlamb dijo...

How do you manage to come up with these super trippy ides?!?
Great work. and rendering!

Art Fan Ako dijo...

OMG.. what a sense of humor you got.. I'm adding you as fav!

Paige Keiser dijo...

HAHAHA! Love it!