
CRAVING (capricho)

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32 comentarios:

Digital Scott's Illustrationblog dijo...

Very funny! Great!

Artsnark dijo...

Too funny! Great line & color too

Roger Simó dijo...

Bravo! Lo has vuelto ha conseguir! Divertidísimo... Y un dibujo muy en concordancia.

Peter Breese dijo...

Ha ha ha... great. He's walking rather well with those high heels :)... perhaps he's worn them before?

justdoodleit dijo...

Hahaha :D That doesn't make him much taller though. Very funny!

LittleMissMachete dijo...

¡Qué divertido! Me encanta... y me tomó por sorpresa.

Rui Sousa dijo...

NICE ONE! REALLY GREAT JOB!It´s a well done work, and it´s a great interpretation of the subject.

ArtSparker dijo...

Wonderful minimalist power play...the shoes being the one red note is so lovely.

Steve marting has a short story called "The Cruel Shoes" about a woman who insists on buying misshaped shoes with razor blades in them simply because the are rare and painful to wear.

ArtSparker dijo...

I mean Steve Martin

Vanessa Brantley Newton dijo...

They look fabulous on him he hee hee hee hee hee! He is going to be a hurting puppy after a few hours. this is totally hilarious!!! you always make me laugh Tomas! Love your humor!

Loni Edwards dijo...

This is great! I love the surprise at the end! Nice job!

Bella Sinclair dijo...

Hahaha! Great twist! This is great. I guess whatever turns you on.... :D

mum dijo...

Ah, the magic and excitement of red shoes! Excellent treatment.

Natura dijo...

¡Qué genial tu trabajo! Es un placer pasar por acá.


Roger Simó dijo...

Tomás, con tu permiso, pondré tu link en mi blog.

Viera dijo...

jajajjajaja, me encanta; para cuando un libro propio?? resérvame 3, es increible, durante los 3 segundos que miro tus ilustraciones me olvido de todo, cada dia me meto a ver si has colgado algo nuevo, gracias por estos respiros que das.

nella gatica dijo...

jajjja!!!! buenísimooooo! genial!

Vanessa Brantley Newton dijo...

I'm having bread and wine with lots of stinky cheese at my house right now! hee hee hee! You and your family are always welcome! Have a wonderful week my friend!

Jean Jacques Rousseu Pérez dijo...

Souviens toi, cher Thomas,d´avoir vue madame et son petit homme à chaussures à rouge talon en se promenant rue Santiago de Valderas. Rappele toi, ils mangeaient le morue à l´ail-muletier chez Gatito et ils se léchaient les doigts

Duncan dijo...

Very funny - great punchline.

Catilustre dijo...

es lA BOMBA! jajaja
me encanta las expresiones de loca de la mujer!

krisztina maros dijo...

he he he's a real good husband!! :)

btw: congrats to your yummie cake!
(oh and it has nothing to do with wearing a women's shoes!! I've just seen the pictures at the moment... just bake cakes bravely!)

Mark Cavell dijo...

Great work, loving the twist.

Jason Curtis dijo...

It's not often that a cartoon actually makes me laugh out loud, but this one did the trick.

Tomas, I'm in love with your drawing style!

michael robertson dijo...

I'm with jason-this made me laugh out loud. great concept and drawings!

Anónimo dijo...

Awesome!!!!. The joke, the art and pacing, everything about this cartoon is perfect. Incredible job.

Eric Barclay dijo...

That's really funny-- great concept! I enjoyed seeing your chef skills over at Vanessa's site!

El Andariego dijo...

El inesperado efecto sorpresa.
Me ha encantado.

R.Dress dijo...

Haha great work!!!

Anónimo dijo...

HA HA HA... Ur come up with really cool stuff everytime. big fan.

Mary Hall dijo...

Brilliant - love it!

get zapped dijo...

Brilliant! You've really outdone yourself with this one. lol!