
Danger! My home has been hacked /¡Peligro! Han "hackeado" mi casa

Ilustración para un artículo de ABC.

6 comentarios:

Licantropunk dijo...

¡Cuidado, un Bitelchús!

Penelope Notes dijo...

Well done! This current work is truly a sign of the times. Also am very impressed with the skyscraper painting in the post below. It looks perfect on the wall behind the couch. The buildings remind me of colorful crayons fresh out of the box!

Tomás Serrano dijo...

Thank you, Penelope! I always appreciate your comments. Don´t you use Facebook?

Penelope Notes dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Penelope Notes dijo...

Hi Tomas, I did set up a FB page to reserve the name as best I could but it is not currently active.

Anónimo dijo...

Gracias Tomas. Sigo tu Blog y te considero un artista extraordinario.