

"Lula en la Casa Lis"
(Lula at the Lis House)

23 comentarios:

Salomé dijo...

Gorgeous work as always. Adore the color!

Jess dijo...


Duncan dijo...

As Kate Bush once sang Wow Wow Unbeleivable.
Brilliant - great reflections, and teeth made me laugh.

ArtSparker dijo...

Oh, this does make me want to visit there myself.

Crowley dijo...

Impresionante. Tengo ya ganas de que mi madre me mande los cuentos para poder disfrutarlos.
Un saludo

Indigene dijo...

It is so beautiful! It reminds me of the many beautiful cathedrals I've seen. Beautiful!

noe dijo...

És impressionat!!!
ala, ale, ali, alo, ALUcinante!
Felicidades por el trabajo!

emma dijo...

Me encanta tu visión de las maravillosas vidrieras de la Casa Lis.
saluditos desde charricity.

Vanessa Brantley Newton dijo...

MAGNIFICENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How on earth did you do this????? BRAVO!!! BRAVO!!!!!

Vicki Smith dijo...

Beautiful way that you have captured light!

Asja dijo...

brilliant work, a perfect take on the topic!

theartofpuro dijo...

Wow!It's amazing!

Jen dijo...

amazing detail! Truly well done.

Gavin Goo dijo...

Beautiful colours! Very dramatic angle. Love the details. :) Looks like a great place to live it.

Mary Hall dijo...

ooh, lovely...

Licantropunk dijo...

Qué maravilla.
Dan ganas de tumbarse en la Casa Lis y contemplar ese techo. Contemplar tu ilustración consigue lo mismo y evitamos que venga el guardia a llamarnos la atención.

michael robertson dijo...

wow!...this is exquisite, Tomás!

The Crow dijo...

Beautiful! I, too, wonder how you did this. I like the teeth showing; makes me feel smaller than your characters.

Roger Simó dijo...

Que bonito!

justdoodleit dijo...

Lovely satined glass windows! Are they in some cathedral?

Stooryduster dijo...

I was looking at brave but instead was completely blown away by perspective - the whole thing. Excellent. Much admiration from me.

tusen dijo...

this is brilliant. I love the perspective, the stained glass and the reflections.

jazzlamb dijo...

Wow! Amazing! I love love love the lighting!