

Click to enlarge

29 comentarios:

nella gatica dijo...

jajjaja! no sé si reírme o llorar, cuánta verdad hay en ésta ilustración!

John Shelley dijo...

very true!!

mum dijo...

exactly. (I love the peace sign given by the departing politician. Nice touch.)

michael robertson dijo...

I absolutely love the fact that you make me laugh with no words. It is always such a pleasure checking out your blog, tomás. great stuff.

Indigene dijo...

Original concept and well done!

ArtSparker dijo...

Wonderful irony.

Jason Curtis dijo...


Pure genius.

Compared to you, I'm a creative moron.

Tomas, yet again you've hit a home run here. This piece is both funny and oh so true...and as Michael mentioned, you've managed to convey all of this without words.

You're an inspiration to me.

Viera dijo...

jajajja, dios, que bueno tomas, ahora es uno de mis favoritos...

david kow dijo...

jodidamente bueno...eres un genio, te lo digo yo.

Tessa dijo...

Just masterful and so astute! This is quite brilliant, Thomas.

justdoodleit dijo...

This is so true of politicians around the world and also the gullible people who vote for them. Fantastic and witty observation, relevant across the world.

Anónimo dijo...

Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!! This is SO funny...and, unfortunately, so true. Brilliant work, Tomas!

Peter Breese dijo...

Very nice buddy! How's the weather there?

Carmen Saldaña dijo...

Hola Tomás!
Esto si que es humor universal, tanto sirve para España como para Kuala Lumpur.
Muy bueno, aunque tragicómico, dan ganas de llorar (o de matar a todos los políticos).


Roger Simó dijo...

Cuando un chiste político te entristece, es que el artista ha hecho bien su trabajo. Genial Tomás, oyes mis aplausos?

Eric Barclay dijo...

Brilliant work.

R.Dress dijo...

You nailed it.

Bobo dijo...

Hahaha! So true! You always make me laugh (every piece of them)! You're such a great illustrator and cartoonist!

PS: I've added you to my blog list!

Jean-Jacques Rousseau Pérez dijo...

Ouais… D´accord, d´accord… Il trompe ses votants, mais reconnaissez qu´il ne gaspille pas ses mensonges, il les garde pour le prochain meeting. Il recycle, il pense à l´avenir des foules.

Art Fan Ako dijo...

These politicians are from California! I want you to know that I'm a #1 fan and you are brilliant! For Illustration Friday, I try to think outside the box in a humorous way because of you.

Anónimo dijo...

ngaaa haa ha ha ha. nice one

Ramón Monedero dijo...

estamos a un paso de esto que propones aquí

Mary Hall dijo...


Vincent Juanes dijo...

Real como la vida mimma. Buen trabajo Tomás

Vanessa Brantley Newton dijo...

hee hee hehee hee! You've done it again. Hilarious my friend. Excellent!

get zapped dijo...

Excellent take on this theme. Much of political agenda is hollow. Nice to stop in....

Catilustre dijo...

pero qué humor refinado!
Bueníiisimo! ( y real!)

turcios curriculum dijo...

excelente humor. saludos

Vanessa Brantley Newton dijo...

ain't this that the truth?? Hee he he he! This is wonderful!!!!