

21 comentarios:

ArtSparker dijo...

Delightful, I always think of the brain as the bone theatre...And really a good use of a photoshop effect, very subtle.

Eric Barclay dijo...

Always such a pleasure to see what you come up with. Just brilliant.

Regina dijo...

Very Shakespearean, in skeletal sort of way... Nice work!

Viator dijo...

Quam tragica est vita cum ex scaena mortis videtur! Vae vivis!

Vanessa Brantley Newton dijo...

he he he he he he! You must have the most brilliant and wonderful brain and imagination. I wish I had your brain he he he! Okay I will settle for you amazing friendship and talent he he he he! Great work Tomas as usual!!!

Debra Keirce dijo...

A skelly doing Shakespeare! That's downright poetic!

krisztina maros dijo...

very clever!

nella gatica dijo...

jajajjaa!! me muero de risa!

valerie walsh dijo...

Are they performing the death scene? hehe :) Very awesome and I like the white on black!

Ramón Monedero dijo...

Muy bueno...!! jajajaja

Carine b dijo...

Toujours aussi déroutant...et surtout toujours avec humour...Bravoo!

Peter Breese dijo...

Ha ha... is that poor Yorick's dream? To hold Hamlets head.

Deepa Gopal dijo...

Quite unique way of expressing Theatre! Nice:)

Thanks for your comment in my blog. It did lift my spirit:)

Have great art ahead!

Deepa Gopal dijo...

Your header is very nice too..

Juan dijo...

Jaja! Excelente Tomás!
Como siempre

Lynne the Pencil dijo...

Nice idea.

The light beam works really well.

fashion fucsia dijo...

Great ideaaaa!!! Your scene is fantastic, I like the black/white contrast.

Manolo Trujillo dijo...

Gracias por pasarte por mi blog y dejar tu comentario.
He estado viendo tus trabajos y tengo que decirte que hace tiempo que no me reía tanto.
Y cuando algo me sorprende tanto como para provocar la carcajada, pienso que es genial.
En eso vas sobrao, elegante y fino humor...¡enhorabuena!
Seguiré tus trabajos.

get zapped dijo...

Excellent! I love the perspective (in many ways). Nice work with the lighting, too.

justdoodleit dijo...

The dark humor is simply brilliant in this one!

Francisco Martins dijo...

How Shakespearean of you, heheh! Love it!